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News and Gossip

Here's the scoop...


In this column I'll include any breaking news on my favorite star, including upcoming movies, planned talk show appearances, box office figures, and so on.

Here's an example of the format I might use for the entries on this page:

DeNiro Reportedly in Talks with Tarantino
Posted 1/1/00

Mr. Showbiz reports Robert is talking with Quentin about an appearance in Quentin's planned Ernest Hemingway biopic. Wonder what he'll look like with Papa's beard!

Contributed by Erica


Here I'll include some of the juicier stuff I hear. No guarantee of the accuracy of what you read in this column!

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!

Remembering Bianca of Betty Blowtorch....may you Rock on in Heaven...angel...Rock on!!