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Off the record with 2Stone Drunk.........

  Straight from the sleazy streets of the San Fernando Valley come three of the foulest, raunchiest and ill-mannered dudes on the planet.  With a name like 2Stone Drunk what more can I say?  I recently had the opportunity to interview the boys of the band: Rob...guitar/vocals
  We met at McReds, a neighborhood bar in the SFV.  I arrived early to check out the scene and get a feel of the place.  Its your typical "local valley hangout", dark and dingy with the "regular drunks, junkies and unemployables" hanging out.  2 Stone Drunk have been raising hell in the music scene for quite some time and have yet to be discovered. 

The backside of???
A 2SD Member..can u guess who?


"18 Pack & A Chili Dog"

PW: First things first.....who is responsible for the infamous line "Lick Balls?"
2SD: Rob replies....ME!
PW: The name "2 Stone Drunk" originated how?  Could this possibly describe any of you guys?
2SD: represents each of us; Rob~stoner, Chip~stoner and Aj~drunk
PW: What pisses you off?
2SD: Running out of weed, crappy drivers and ignorance.
PW: Who is the mastermind behind your lyrics?
2SD: It is a group effort. We are all sic puppies. It takes alot of thought to come up with lyrics to songs like "Charlie Trailer Trash", "Big Fat Dirtball" among others.
PW: How did you 3 hook-up?
2SD: In '98 we were drunk and had some hand me down instruments collecting dust in a rundown shack in Chips' backyard so we started to make noise banging on them.  Aj drunk, Chip and Rob stoned and there you have it...the birth of 2SD.  Our lyrics are written with our friends in mind and everyday life that we experience.  Our goal is to piss people off and usually we achieve this.  Its what we do best. Succeeding at f**king up...thats so cool.
PW: Who or what inspires you?
2SD: Chip answers "your mom" and Aj says "little dogs pooping" (whats that about?) and Rob vapor locked on this one.  Said he'd get back on this one....yea, ok!!
PW:Do you have any dreams/goals in this f**cked up thing we call existance or do you want to stay losers?
2SD: Dreams are shattered everyday so what are you left with...? You be the judge. They go on to say,"When I see all the pain and suffering in the world today..i.e. war, rape, evil, sex and drugs and love I forget what life is for, so all you can KISS MY ASS!!
PW: What would you like your gravestone to say?
2SD: Rob: Lick Balls
          Chip: F**k Off
          Aj:     I finally died. O yea...F**k You
PW: Fav TV Show?
2SD: VIP Big Tits, Girls Gone Wild, TV Sucks
PW: The last word is yours....
2SD: We are a punk band. Old school. For more info on 2Stone Drunk, email the guys at and also go to their website at
PW: Thanx for taking the time to kick it with me.  Keep rocking the music world and your fans are looking forward to your new CD and seeing you live!!!!

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