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Finally, something with an edge!

The Many Faces of.....
2 Stone Drunk

            If you havent heard of them yet--just wait. 
2 Stone Drunk is ripping LA into pieces, and with damn good reason.
           This fearless threesome features none other than Rob, Chip and Aj;  3 incredibly talented and angry dudes redefining the entire Punk Rock genre.
          "18 Pack and A Chili Dog" explodes with a "In Your Face" kind of fury, leaving audiences and listeners running for cover.  The lyrics are real, written with their friends in mind and everyday life as they see and live it.  Their piss people off.  Do they succeed?  Its what they do best---succeeding at f**cking up!!!
            So, pussies go home!!
            2SD is FOR THE STRONG! 

Rob: Guitar/Vocals
Chip: Bass/Vocals
Aj:     Drums/Vocals